This past week my friend and co-worker E, introduced our staff to a texting-drinking game. The rules are simple: find someone in your phone (preferably of the opposite sex) who you think would text you back the quickest when you say “DTF?” For those of you who don’t know what means (like I didn’t), it means “Down to F***?” Now, being the kind of gal who doesn’t use that word, I changed my question to “Hookup?”

Now, you don’t actually go and plan out a booty-call with someone, you just intrigue them. The person who receives a reply text message back first, wins and the last to receive a text buys them a drink. You must know that at the point in the night when this game began, I was more than a few glasses of wine in, so it sounded like a really good idea at the time.

So of course, I found some former flames and an ex-boyfriend and texted them. And surprisingly, I was the first one to receive a text back. The first one was “What?” and then from a different guy, “Yeah, you in NC?”

How easy was that? (Pun intended)

It completely shocked me how simple it was to grab the attention of a guy I haven’t spoken to in months by offering my body up on a shiny silver texting-screen platter. The response was instant (less than 2 minutes) and there was no question of why/where/how -just: “Here is Lindsay who just offered to have sex with me, so I’ll just do it.”

What if falling in love was that easy? Or finding your next boyfriend?

There are several different variations of the “DTF?” game that I doubt anyone would get the same response from. What if we tried, “DTSLTR?” meaning “Down to start a long-term relationship?” or “DTTM2D?” meaning “Down to take me to dinner?” or “DTCMB?” meaning “Down to call me beautiful?

Or what about “DTL?” simply asking, “Down to love?”

Giving yourself sexually or getting your rocks off or getting the attention of an old-something (or even new-something) is so easy to do. But getting someone to notice you to fall in love with you – not an easy task. And actually, I think an impossible one.

Love isn’t instant. It’s not something you ask for it to happen and it does. You don’t plea with someone or with your higher power for months and then finally, you get what you were seeking. It’s not submitting a request and receiving an email verifying your request was accepted and put into place.

In a very ridiculous way (can’t I just have fun and not rationalize everything?) -this drinking game showed me that while you should ask for what you want, sometimes you just have to realize somethings are out of your control. And surrendering my hold on them would be in my best interest.

After all, I can’t pull up Mr. Right’s phone number and say “D2MF?” Down to meet finally?

3 thoughts on “DTL?

    • Dude! I’ve never heard of that game. That’s interesting. Great post btw. I love it. I feel like each one is better and better. I totally know what you mean too. Let’s chat soon btw.

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