14 Reasons Your Dad is the Most Important Man in Your Life

When I was five years old, I marched into the living room in my Disney princess dress-up gown, holding flowers I picked from outside and told (yes, told, not asked) my dad he was going to marry me. Always one to play along, he agreed and my mom served as the preacher as we said our vows. 26 years later, I’m still hoping to meet someone who has even half the heart of my incredible father.

He’s gone from my prince charming and hero to my drinking buddy and unofficial financial advisor, but through it all, he’s always held a piece of my heart. That’s why he’s the most important man in my life, and will continue to be, until someone quite remarkable comes along. Here’s 14 reasons he’s the best:

1. He teaches you to be brave (because if you fall, he’s there to catch you).

My dad taught me to drive a car, ride a bike, steer a jet ski, and swing from the very-dangerous rope swing into the lake (Sorry, Mom!). Whenever I was afraid to take a risk – even if it was just diving into the deep end – he’d remind me: “You’re a Tigar, you can do anything!” I still say it to myself now when I’m scared.

2. He shows you what real love is by the way he treats your mom.

When boys have broken my heart over the years, my dad will remind me that when it’s right, there won’t be as much trouble. When my dad met my mother, there was no doubt in his mind. And though hard work came later in their marriage (as it does in every relationship), he fell in love with her instantly and hasn’t stopped loving her since. My dad is a shining example of how a man should treat a woman.

This post was originally published on YourTango. To read the rest, click here.

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